10 ožujka 2013

Lagano :)

Danas je obican nedjeljni dan ! Dan za odmor i opustanje. Uz blago zimsko sunce i vatricu u kaminu lijepo odgovara i ovaj lagani desert.
Cisto onako za uzivanje :)

Desert u casi !

Sastojci :

  • nekoliko keksica koji se mogu smrviti - ja sam imala medenjake (pepparkakor) 
  • 150 gr svjezeg sira, tipa filadelfija
  • 1 kasika secera i jedna mala kacicica vanilin secera
  • maline , odmrznute i skuhane sa malo secera ili jednostavno dzem od malina

Postupak :

  1. Ako su maline ili drugo voce zamrznute, pocni s njima - odmrzni ih. Ja sam moje poluodmrznute skuhala sa malo secera i stavila da se ohladi
  2. Svjezi sir umuti mikserom sa secerom i vanilijom, neka bude kremasto

  3. izmrvi kesice, ja sam ih stavila u plasticnu vrecicu i lagano valjkom smrvila, ostalo je i krupnijih komadica

  4. U posude u kojima ces posluziti redaj ovako:
    prvo kasiku - dvije smrvljenih keksa
    zatim malo umucenog sira
    pa na to maline.
    pa opet jos jednom tako , neka na vrhu budu maline


Ostavi malo na hladnom i posluzi !
Nece biti suho jer od sira i malina bude socno :)
Uzivaj u brzom, jednostavnom i ukusnom desertu :)

4 komentara:

draganasgarden kaže...

ukusno ukusno, volim citati tvoj blog .pozdrav iz Flode

rijeka kaže...

Hvala Dragana ! I ja "navratim" kod tebe :) Nisam stigla neko vrijeme ali da znas da hocu !

Anonimno kaže...

What is your biggest green goal?My ultimate green goal is to stop the use of 'one use' items from plastic bags to glass and plastic containers, To all types of products. Even clothing can be an eco hazard when we discard items so easily in the name of fashion. So to change the focus from a 'throwaway' society must be the ultimate goal," Combating counterfeiting of Coach product is a vital objective for Coach. The counterfeiters illegally profit at the expenses of Coach and affect the entire economy through lost revenues and taxes. Definitely, Counterfeiters do not typically honor safety and environment regulations, That is child labor and antisweatshop laws.Beanbags come cheaper than a wooden chair or a couch, Bean bags come in various color varieties for you to combine, Bean bags also come in various sizes and shapes so useful them for multiple purposes, Bean bags are washable so you can keep them clean, Bean bags are durable good and great for your back and joints. Doing this, A price reduced than your couch. If that''s not amazing, What lies?Bean bags are made of material these days which is utterly washable,This vehicle has a large leather flap to keep the element out and it is fastened with a buckle[url=http://www.burberrynj.com/index.php]BURBERRY BAGS[/url] We've cut down on foods that are fried, Like fried roasted meat. We broil and grill thinner meats. I eat bananas for blood potassium. Burkina Faso. Burundi. Kambodja. Additionally, Each side bags under the eyes is not a medical problem, But may be a natural part of aging. Consult with your doctor to detect whether you have any cause for concern. It should not be used as a substitute for healthcare advice, Diagnosis or techniques.There are many varieties of sturdy motorcycle storage bags you can look at. If you reside in the city, A storage bag may be just things you require. Most of these bags are made of steel with a zippered front and back. A makeup is a wondrous personal possession that makes you look more youthful. Your face lines disappear and so does the spots and undereye dark circles. The deadest of eyes stand out with the right sort of makeup.Got as part of his earWhether it's likely you have a canister, Or there are any vacuum bag, It's vital to take enough time to clean it out properly. The Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright also has a crevice tool, Turbo sweep, Extension wand and an covers brush. The beauty is we obtain to start over with fresh bags and a whole new beginning and new beginning.[url=http://www.boosbag.com]Read Far more[/url] Considerably, Why don't I just go with a replica Gucci bags and gucci shoes? It's less expensive and easier to obtain. Beautifully, Understand, That maybe true. But if you follow this road you won't be getting an actual designer bag with superior materials and craftsmanship in every detail.

Sandra Pusica kaže...

Pozdrav svim gradanima Hrvatske i šire. Moje ime je gospoda Sandra Pusica. Ovdje sam da dam opipljiva svjedocanstva o tome kako sam dobila zajam od 150,000 eura od pouzdanog zajmodavca zvanog gospoda Dora Wealth da ona daje zajam s kamatnom stopom od 2% ona daje sve vrste kredita poput osobnih zajmova, dugorocnih zajmova,poslovni zajam i kratkorocni zajam itd. Ako ste zainteresirani za dobivanje zajma, sigurno se možete obratiti njime izravnom e-mailom na: dorabogatstvofinancijskoulaga@yahoo.com WhatsApp: (+16014560144)

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